…culinary chronicles of taking that final moment to “taste for seasoning.”

Sunday, January 25

... And we're off!

I've spent the last hour and a half formatting this page and playing around with different color combinations. That's how effective I am at dodging my own written word, when I don't want to put pen to paper (or fingerpads to keyboard. Note to self: do google search of blog-age expressions to stand in for "pen to paper," "pen mightier than sword," etc.). I could attempt to justify my hesitation to break the blog-ice by noting that my husband and I will be going out to dinner tonight, so I won't have any cooking travails to report on for at least 24 hours. In fact, as my justifications for not having anything to show for a writing assignment go, this is one of the better ones. But a post-less page looks silly, so I'm posting this introduction just to get rid of the empty space. Then, if I feel like it and can bear to do so on an empty stomach, perhaps I'll put up my brief review of a free sample of Dunkin Donuts coffee that I received in the mail last night. No promises, though - I'm starting out slow.

1 comment:

  1. a-ha! Now you have a blog and I can make you guest blog with that much more ease. Not that you weren't going to anyway...I just wanted to make a comment of some kind. I look forward to reading your food adventures!
